Meeting Sunday, March 9th, in the Octagon.
Our Boomers & Beyond Group will have devotions and talk about topics related to being 60+, such as retiring, grown children, grandchildren, health topics, traveling, etc. This group will be starting with, 2 times a month with one week having devotions and talks while the other week maybe catching a dinner play, going to a restaurant, movie night here or at a theatre, game night, etc.
They will, typically, be getting together the 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at 12:30 in the Octagon. The 2nd Sunday will always be here at the church with food, drinks and fellowship. The 4th Sunday will be the flexible date where different activities will be scheduled.
Watch in your emails, and here, for more information. If you did not get on the email list there will be a sign up sheet at the church. At least 1 person needs to be 60, so even if your spouse is not, you are both welcome to come.
This group is being led my Mark and Yvonne Smith. Any questions please reach out to Mark at 303-332-3210.